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Butterfly House in Collodi

Naturalistic attractions

Over a thousand butterflies in the garden of the Villa Garzoni

In the magnificent garden of Collodi's Villa Garzoniyou will find the Butterfly House, a stupendous stone-and-glass greenhouse where over a thousand examples of the world's most beautiful species of butterfly flutter about. The butterflies live in a luxurious tropical garden through which you can walk, ten information panels helping you discover everything about the different species and their different phases of life. Walking in this extraordinary exotic environment, you can thus admire over a thousand of the most beautiful butterflies in the world, whether from the Amazon rainforest, the neotropics, Africa, India and Australia, while they court, reproduce and feed on the flowers.

Inside the Butterfly House in Collodi
Inside the Butterfly House in Collodi - Credit:

This is a fascinating world where ethology is everything, where you can see all the stages of development (egg, caterpillar, chrysalis and butterfly), observe the differences between diurnal butterflies and nocturnal moths, and witness their amazing aposematic colouring and other survival tricks, like Batesian and Müllerian mimicry. You will also see countless rare species of visible flora, some of which are found only in Italy or southern Europe.


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