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Church of Spirito Santo in Prato

Places of worship

A treasure chest of priceless paintings by Filippo Lippi and Ridolfo Ghirlandaio

The Church of Santo Spirito in Prato, once dedicated to the Annunciation and built by the Servite Friars around the mid-14th century, together with an adjacent monastery, was renovated many times in the 16th and 17th centuries. The convent was suppressed at the end of the 1700s, while the church was rededicated and enriched with important artworks coming from churches and oratories that were also suppressed during this time.

There are two 16th-century portals on the side of the church, the main one of which leads to the end of the church, where, on the wall, there’s a choir in engraved wood, painted in 1741 by Domenico Valleri. The single-nave interior, boasting a wooden truss ceiling and plastered walls, is home to priceless paintings, including an Annunciation by Jacopo di Cione, a Presentation at the Temple by Filippo Lippi and a Madonna and Child with Saint Anna and Saints by Michele Tosini and Ridolfo Ghirlandaio.

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