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Museum of Sacred Art in Montespertoli


Displaying the paintings and works found in churches in the area

The Museum of Sacred Art in Montespertoli is found inside the rectory of the Parish Church of San Piero in Mercato and it brings together the works found in the churches in the area.

In the hall there is an exhibition of paintings and silverware from the parish of San Piero in Mercato, such as the Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints Antonio abate and Giuliano the Martyr by Neri di Bicci and a fine Robbian ceramic with Saint Jerome in the desert.

A notable number of works of art come from the churches of Santa Maria in Mensola, San Giusto, San Giorgio and San Lorenzo in Montalbino, including the triptych dated 1400 by Cenni di Francesco, the small Madonna by Andrea di Giusto, a versatile 15th-century painter who was influenced by Masaccio and Fra Angelico, and two paintings by anonymous painters from workshops in Siena and Florence: the 14th-century San Lorenzo and the Madonna and Child with Saints Giorgio and Nicola da Bari, from the 15th century.

Madonna and Child by Filippo Lippi
Madonna and Child by Filippo Lippi - Credit: Sailko

From the Church of San Lorenzo in Montegufoni, next to the Acciaioli Castle, there is the priceless painting depicting the Madonna and Child, thought to be from the following of Lippo di Benivieni, while the second room of the museum is completely dedicated to the churches of Santa Maria in Torre and San Bartolomeo in Tresanti and displays later works: some 17th-century Florentine canvas paintings (paintings by Frilli Crici, Lupicini and from Curradi’s workshop) and some from the 18th century (Adoration of the Magi by Niccolò Bambini).

In the third room, there is an exhibition of works coming from churches in the parishes of Coeli Aula and San Pancrazio: the most valuable being the small Madonna and Child thought to be one of Fillipo Lippi’s later works.


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