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Poggio Neri Park

Naturalistic attractions

A dive into the nature of Sassetta

Tuscany’s beautiful parks await visitors for a day of outdoor relaxation, surrounded by nature. Not far from Sassetta, a splendid and untouched village in the Val di Cornia, 10 km from the sea, the Poggio Neri Nature Park offers a series of itineraries with various sites of interest and picnic areas.

The Poggio Neri Park includes vast expanses of oak and chestnut trees: the perfect place for outdoor activities, like trekking, horseback riding, mushroom and chestnut picking, hunting and biking.
To promote the rediscovery of these fascinating places, inside the park there are equipped trails that can be traversed on foot, on horseback or in mountain bike. There are also the Forest Museum, dedicated to the everyday life and crafts of chestnut harvesters, and via del Carbone, which attests to the historic craft of coal merchants.

The Poggio Neri Park also boasts an accessible itinerary that’s suitable for everyone, including visitors with limited mobility. The trail is 500 meters long and winds through the Mediterranean scrub, purposely protected by a fence, and around Monte Bufalaio for half the length of the ring route. This evocative route vaunts a panoramic picnic area and an unused quarry where the famous Sassetta red marble was once extracted.

Information on accessibility:

Parchi della Val di Cornia
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