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Sanctuary of the Madonna del Buon Consiglio Museum


Originally a small oratory, it now houses a small museum with artefacts from the Ponte Buggianese area

The small Ponte Buggianese museum is located in the building next door to the sacristy of the 17th century Church of San Michele Archangelo or Sanctuary of the Madonna del Buon Consiglio. The church, originally built in the 1600s, was rebuilt in the 19th century and houses the venerated image of the Madonna del Buon Consiglio, protector of the local population during outbreaks of plague. The shrine has become a focal tourist attraction after the walls of the church were entirely frescoed by Pietro Annigoni and his students between 1967 and 1976.

The Museum houses objects of local origin and some from further afield, among which there are numerous holy vestments dated between 1600-1700, some sacred statues from the 1700s, relics from the 1800s, many candlesticks, sacred vases, coins, prayer books, crosses and church items and various ancient texts including an edition of The Betrothed from 1832.

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